My blog

Prayer fascinates me. It’s a rich experience. It’s a privilege. I am constantly learning, and wanting to learn more. Here I will share something of my journey with you.

From scripture, from the life of Jesus, and from the saints throughout history, we know that prayer is the foundation for the Christian life and for seeing God’s purposes fulfilled. But we can easily become lethargic with regard to prayer. Or we can develop a sense of self-confidence that says, ‘We can do this on our own’. But reaching the unreached with the Gospel, is a battle, and it is only possible with God’s help, relying on his Spirit to work through us and amongst us. We must pour time, energy and resources into the work of prayer.

Friday 27 May 2016


When I heard this, I was really challenged . . .

In a drought
A small farming community was getting worried that their harvest would fail completely because they hadn’t had rain for many months.  For the adults, it was all they talked about, their concern was almost tangible, they knew what the implications would be if there was no rain and no harvest.

With still no sign of rain, the Pastor decided to call the community together to pray for rain.  Everyone seemed happy to hear of this initiative, realising that the situation was serious.  They had to pray for rain.

When it came to the evening of the special prayer meeting, everyone got ready and headed to the church.  One farmer had to keep encouraging his children to hurry up.  Finally, they were ready to leave.  As they left the house, his six year old daughter suddenly ran back inside.  A moment later she returned, declaring, “If we’re praying for rain, then I’ll need my umbrella!”  And she ran on ahead to the church with her umbrella in hand.

Would you?
If I was going to a special prayer meeting to pray for rain, would I take an umbrella?  Would you?

Any thoughts?


  1. This is similar to the story of the 2 farmers who desperately needed rain. They both prayed for rain but only one went out and prepared his fields to receive it. Which truly had faith?

    We sometimes pray but don't really expect God to act. I wonder how different the world would be if we all expected God to act?

    Good post, and good point.

    1. Thanks for this. Yes, how we need to pray with faith and to act accordingly!
