My blog

Prayer fascinates me. It’s a rich experience. It’s a privilege. I am constantly learning, and wanting to learn more. Here I will share something of my journey with you.

From scripture, from the life of Jesus, and from the saints throughout history, we know that prayer is the foundation for the Christian life and for seeing God’s purposes fulfilled. But we can easily become lethargic with regard to prayer. Or we can develop a sense of self-confidence that says, ‘We can do this on our own’. But reaching the unreached with the Gospel, is a battle, and it is only possible with God’s help, relying on his Spirit to work through us and amongst us. We must pour time, energy and resources into the work of prayer.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Two Rows by the Sea

Intended to harm
On 15 February 2015, a video was released showing the beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians by supporters of Islamic State in Libya.  The video shocked the world.

In response, the Bible Society of Egypt produced a simple tract called ‘Two Rows by the Sea’. It has five short passages of Scripture and a poem.  Millions of copies of the tract have been distributed in Egypt and around the world in different languages.  Here’s the poem . . .

Two rows of men walked the shore of the sea,
On a day when the world’s tears would run free. 
One a row of assassins, who thought they did right,
The other of innocents, true sons of the light. 
One holding knives in hands held high,
The other with hands empty, defenceless and tied.
One row of slits to conceal glaring-dead eyes,
The other with living eyes raised to the skies.
One row stood steady, pall-bearers of death,
The other knelt ready, welcoming heaven’s breath.
One row spewed wretched, contemptible threats,
The other spread God-given peace and rest.
A Question… Who fears the other?
The row in orange, watching paradise open?
Or the row in black, with minds evil and broken?

The impact of this tract, and the verses of Scripture, and the forgiving attitude of the people of the cross’ has been amazing.

Used for good
When you hear about terrible things happening around the world, what’s your response?  Let’s be among those who turn to prayer, knowing that, that which was intended for harm can be used by God for good (Genesis 50:20)

For more details of ‘Two Rows by the Sea’ have a look at this website, from where you can also download copies of the tract in a variety of languages:

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. My prayer is for there to be a huge turning of these folks to Christ. In fact- some of this is happening around the world as they want to believe in God, just not that 'god'. Please Lord Jesus. Let the blood of the martyrs be the seed of the church.
