My blog

Prayer fascinates me. It’s a rich experience. It’s a privilege. I am constantly learning, and wanting to learn more. Here I will share something of my journey with you.

From scripture, from the life of Jesus, and from the saints throughout history, we know that prayer is the foundation for the Christian life and for seeing God’s purposes fulfilled. But we can easily become lethargic with regard to prayer. Or we can develop a sense of self-confidence that says, ‘We can do this on our own’. But reaching the unreached with the Gospel, is a battle, and it is only possible with God’s help, relying on his Spirit to work through us and amongst us. We must pour time, energy and resources into the work of prayer.

Friday 24 July 2015

It's happening today

Dreams and Visions
Like me, have you come across the request to pray for ‘dreams and visions’ for those in the Muslim world?  I regularly read this.  And I do pray for dreams and visions.  I pray that God would intervene directly in people’s lives, get their attention through a dream or vision, and show them the right way.

I recently read the following true account, and want to encourage you with it . . .

Finding Life
“A Muslim lady had a dream in which she saw Christ.  He showed her a house and gave her the address of the house, which was in her city.  He said to her, ‘This is where you'll find Life.’ 

The next day, although feeling a little unsure and awkward, she went in search of the house she had seen in the dream.  She went to the district, and then found the street.  When she arrived at the correct house number, she immediately recognised the house as the one she had seen in her dream. 

She tentatively knocked at the door.  A woman opened it.  As they spoke together, the woman of the house said, ‘Oh yes, I've been expecting you.  The Lord told me you were coming!’  The lady went inside, and there she discovered the Life she had been searching for.”

Keep praying
Wow!  Two women brought together through God’s sovereign intervention.  And the Gospel that brings life is shared and embraced.

Perhaps you’ve prayed in a general way for ‘dreams and visions’.  Well, this is what’s happening!  Let’s keep praying!


  1. This certainly encourages us to pray. We are often told not to discount any way in which the Lord chooses to work. Here in the west we are perhaps sceptical about such accounts, but the results speak for themselves. God moves in a mysterious way, His wonders to perform.

    1. You are right that in the West there can be a greater scepticism to the idea of God speaking through dreams, but Scripture is full of such accounts. The kind of story I put in the blog certainly encourages me to pray!
