My blog

Prayer fascinates me. It’s a rich experience. It’s a privilege. I am constantly learning, and wanting to learn more. Here I will share something of my journey with you.

From scripture, from the life of Jesus, and from the saints throughout history, we know that prayer is the foundation for the Christian life and for seeing God’s purposes fulfilled. But we can easily become lethargic with regard to prayer. Or we can develop a sense of self-confidence that says, ‘We can do this on our own’. But reaching the unreached with the Gospel, is a battle, and it is only possible with God’s help, relying on his Spirit to work through us and amongst us. We must pour time, energy and resources into the work of prayer.

Monday 18 January 2016

Helping us pray


Are you familiar with the Prayercast videos?  If not, check out the website  They have a short prayer video for most countries of the world.  The videos have scenes of the country accompanied by someone praying for the country – often someone from the country itself.  These videos are an excellent tool in helping us pray for our world.

You reign

Under their ‘special videos’ category is an excellent video called, ‘You Reign’.  It’s a look back at what happened in 2015 with the refrain, “You reign, You rule, You are greater than any earthly king . . .  You are higher than any other thing . . .”  The website has this comment:

God reigns and is moving today in every corner of the globe!  Yet the evil in our world and its prominence in news reports can sometimes make us lose sight of this.  When we forget His sovereignty, we can easily slip into despair and hopelessness.  As we look back over 2015 we recognize and rejoice that He reigns “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title…” and that “all things are under His feet” (Ephesians 1:21,22).

Springboard to prayer

The videos are free to download.  Why not download ‘You Reign’  and show it to your family, show it at your homegroup, or mid-week prayer meeting, or in a Sunday service?  Then having watched it, spend time praying about situations relevant to you, from that perspective of ‘You reign’.

I’ve shown it a few times and it’s been appreciated.  Have a go . . .

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