My blog

Prayer fascinates me. It’s a rich experience. It’s a privilege. I am constantly learning, and wanting to learn more. Here I will share something of my journey with you.

From scripture, from the life of Jesus, and from the saints throughout history, we know that prayer is the foundation for the Christian life and for seeing God’s purposes fulfilled. But we can easily become lethargic with regard to prayer. Or we can develop a sense of self-confidence that says, ‘We can do this on our own’. But reaching the unreached with the Gospel, is a battle, and it is only possible with God’s help, relying on his Spirit to work through us and amongst us. We must pour time, energy and resources into the work of prayer.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

When two or three come together

An odd time?

On the eve of the UK General Election I travelled to Parliament Square in the centre of London to be part of a prayer gathering there.  It was due to start at 7:14 pm.  An odd time?  In fact a carefully chosen time, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

A rich mixture

About 500 people gathered - people of all ages, from different ethnic backgrounds, and church traditions.  It was a rich mixture.  There were some corporate prayers, there were times of personal prayer, times of silence, and times when we prayed in small groups.

When we were asked to pray in small groups, I turned to two men near me.  We prayed from the heart, for our nation, for different issues.  We echoed each others prayers, agreeing together to see God step into the affairs of this nation in a fresh way. 

The prayer gathering ended in song, and then everyone drifted away.  And do you know, I don’t know who it was I prayed with!  But it actually doesn’t matter.  There was an instant rapport and unity in prayer.  It didn’t matter what our names were, where we’d come from, or what our church tradition was - we were brothers in Christ, praying for our nation.  It was special.

A promise

I promise that when any two of you on earth agree about something you are praying for, my Father in heaven will do it for you.  Whenever two or three of you come together in my name, I am there with you.”  Matthew 18:19-20 (CEV)

Were you in Parliament Square or did you take part in a similar gathering elsewhere?

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